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Easy Paragraph on Daily Routine.

simple my daily routine paragraph in English, my daily routine essay 10 lines, my daily routine essay in simple present tense, my daily routine essay
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Easy Paragraph on Daily Routine.
Paragraph on Daily Routine-
These paragraphs are prepared for the students of class 3, 4, 5 but it is highly suggested to make a new sample so that they can design their own sample by using their real info. 


Short Paragraph on Our School/ Madrasah

My name is Ali and I have a well decorated daily routine. I wake up approximately at 5 am every day. After that pray my Fazar prayer. Then I start my study for an hour. I take a healthy breakfast. Then I get ready for school. I attend classes until 1 pm. After school, I complete my homework. At noon, I take lunch and rest a bit. I love to play with my siblings. In the evening, I recite holly Quran. I usually have dinner with my family. Then I spend some time reading to relax my mind. Finally, I sleep around 10 pm. This routine makes me feel balanced and productive.

Having a daily routine is important. So, as a student I maintain a strict routine. I get up at 5:30 am every morning. Then I take my bath. Usually, I enjoy a healthy breakfast with eggs and toast. After breakfast, I leave my home to catch the school bus. School starts at 8 am and ends at 1 pm where I attend various classes. At noon, I take lunch and rest a bit. After school, I dedicate myself to study hardly to make a good result. In the afternoon, I love to play with my friends. Sometime I visit my friends to do project work. Before going to bed, I read a book to relax. I aim to be in bed by 10:00 PM so that I can rest well for the next day.

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