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How to make your child for presentation?

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How to make your child for presentation?

How to make child for presentation?
If you are an elementary school instructor or a home mom who is searching for a sample of presentation to make your kids ready for presentation then this article this going to help you. Let’s get started with the following sample.

Intro- Hello everyone. (Greetings). This is Abdullah Yeasin before you but please call me Yeasin because that’s my nick name. I am from ABC madrasah (school) and I am also a Hifz student. Hope you are bright and shiny and I am also happy and joyful.

Today I am going to give a presentation on MY MOM.

Body-1. My mom loves me.

           2. Mom’s cooking is delicious,

           3. Mom always knows the best.

           4. I miss my mom.

           5. Mom is my hero.

           6. Please Allah make my mom happy.


Extro- Well, that’s all about MY MOM. Hope you loved my presentation. Next time I will be back with another WOW presentation. Till then, bye-bye.

Topic- 2 :  MY DAD

             1. My dad loves me.

             2. Dad is my hero.

             3. Dad makes me laugh.

             4. Dad is the best.

             5. Dad is my rock.

             6. Please Allah make my mom happy.



            1. Bangladesh is my country.

            2. Dhaka is its capital.

            3. People speak Bangla.

            4. Rice is the main food,

            5. It has many rivers.

            6. Bangladesh has many successful people.

            7. The people here are peaceful and friendly.

Here, the thing is to do, is just to make your kids prepare with the intro (introduction) and extro parts and let them make their own script for others topics. If you find this useful don’t forget to share with your friends and family.


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