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Paragraph on My Parents for class 2, 3, 4

My Parents paragraph for Class 1, My parents paragraph for Class 2, My parents Paragraph for Class 5 pdf, My parents paragraph for class 7, My parents
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Paragraph on My Parents for class 2, 3, 4
Paragraph on My Parents-
These easy and simple paragraph on my parents are for students’ class 2, 3, 4. Any student can learn these paragraphs easily. If you are a teacher, you should share these with your learners.

My parents

My parents are the best gift of Allah for me. They have given me birth and nurtured me. They are the first teacher of my life. My father’s name is Ahmed Abdullah. He is about 35 years old. He is an honest businessman. My mother’s name is Khadiza Karim who is a homemaker. She serves our loving family like a shadow. My father loves to play with me. Both of my parents work very hard to make us happy. They inspire me to say prayers. They make me feel safe and loved. So, I am very lucky to have my beloved parents.  I pray to make them proud as I grow up. I love them very much.

My parents are the most important people in my life. They love and care for me all the time. My father, Mr Hafiz Asad is a doctor. My mother, Ayesha Begam is a housewife. She is kind and helps me with my schoolwork. They both work hard to give me everything. They love to surprise me. It makes happy when they listen to me very carefully. They work hard a lot to make sure of my comfort. I feel so good when they both spend time together with me. They both have good relations with our neighbors and relatives. They are not only my parents but also very friends and helpful mentors. I love my parents so much.

My parents are very wonderful person who shower me with adorable love. Md Abdur Rahman is my loving dad who is a head teacher of a primary school. My mother’s name is Taniya Rahman and she is a nurse. Her job keeps her busy like a bee, but she always makes time for us. She helps me with my homework. My parents are very good who take care of me a lot. She cooks delicious food. My father takes me out in free time. Last week, he took us to the Mirpur Zoo. They teach me good manners always to make me a good person. I love my parents so much.

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