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Reading text for grade 2

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Reading text for grade 2
Reading for grade 2-
Unseen passages are important component of English language learning especially for beginning levels. They present not only as a learning aid to enhance reading capability but also makes a learner to grow a love for reading story. In this blog, we will provide passage which will develop essential skills such as vocabulary enhancement, creative thinking, along with the language use idea. Dear teachers and parents make the learners keep reading to understand inner messages of the passage.

                                  The crow and the jar.

It is a hot summer day. A crow is sitting on a branch of a tree. It is tired and thirsty. It flies here and there. It is looking for water. The crow suddenly sees a jar. It is under a nearby tree.

The crow flies to it quickly. The crow flies down to it at last. The crow sits on the edge of the jar. It looks inside the jar. The water is at the bottom of it. The crow looks around.

It sees some pebbles near the jar. The crow picks up the pebbles one by one with its beak. Then it drops them into the jar. The water rises to the brim of the jar. The crow drinks the water.

Then it flies away happily.

1. How is the day?
2. Where is the crow sitting?
3. How is it?
4. Where does it fly?
5. What is it looking for?
6. What does it see suddenly?
7. Where is the jar?
8. How does the crow fly?
9. Where does it sit of the jar?
10. Who looks around?
11. Where does it see pebbles?
12. What does it pick up?
13. What does rise to the brim of the jar?
14. Who drinks the water?
15. How does it fly away?

Fill in the gaps:
1. The day is ----.
2. The crow is ---- and ----.
3.  It looks for ----.
4.  Suddenly the crow ---- a jar.
5.  ---- ---- is under a nearby tree.
6. The crow --- to the jar quickly.
7. The crow ---- on the edge of the jar.
8. It looks ---- the jar.
9. The crow ---- around.
10. It sees some ---- near the jar.
11. It drops ---- into the jar.
12. The water ---- to the brim of the jar.
13. It ---- the water.
14. The crow ---- away happily.
15. The story is about the crow and a ----.

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