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Short Paragraph on Our School/ Madrasah

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Short Paragraph on Our School/ Madrasah
Paragraph on Our School/ Madrasah-

My school is my second home. The name of our school is ABC High School. It is in Savar in the district of Dhaka. It is housed in a big building. There are 15 rooms in it. There is a large prayer room in the top floor. About 250 students read here. 25 teachers teach us. Our teachers love us. We also respect them very much. They are all learned and kind. There is a big playground. We play there after class. Our school is an ideal school in our city. We love our school very much.

The name of our madrasah is Madrasatul Hasanah. It is located in Bank Colony, Savar, Dhaka. Its building is very big and beautiful. There is a nice playground in front of it. There is a big prayer room. There are 15 classrooms for students. There are 300 students and 30 teachers in our madrasah. Our teachers are very kind and helpful. I have many friends at madrasah. Our madrasah is very famous in our city. We love our madrasah very much.

Post tags: How do I write a paragraph about my school?, Is a paragraph 10 lines?, How to write 10 lines about school?, Our school paragraph for Class 1, Our school paragraph for Class 2, Our school Paragraph for Class 6 pdf, Our school paragraph for class 5, Our school paragraph for class 6, Our school paragraph for class 3, Our school paragraph for class 4, Our school paragraph class 7, How do I write a paragraph about my school?, Is a paragraph 10 lines?, How to write 10 lines about school?, Our school paragraph for Class 1 pdf, Our school paragraph for class 1 10 lines, Our school paragraph for class 1 100 words, My school paragraph for Class 2, Our school paragraph for class 1 200 words, Our school paragraph for class 1 150 words, My school paragraph for class 5, My school essay in 250 words, Our school paragraph for class 1 pdf in English, Our school paragraph for class 1 pdf download, Our school paragraph for class 1 pdf 100 words, Our school paragraph for class 1 pdf 10 lines, My school essay in 250 words, My school paragraph for Class 1, My school essay 10 lines, My school essay 150 words, বিদ্যালয় সম্পর্কে অনুচ্ছেদ কিভাবে লিখব?, ক্লাস 1 আমার স্কুল 10 বাক্য?,  আমার বিদ্যালয়ের অনুচ্ছেদ কি?, আমি আমার বিদ্যালয়কে কেন ভালোবাসি ১০টি লাইন?

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