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Worksheet on Paragraph of Monthly Assessment Test

Myself paragraph for class 1 in English, Myself paragraph for class 1 10 lines, Myself paragraph for class 1 pdf, Myself paragraph for class 1 100 wor
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Worksheet on  Paragraph of Monthly Assessment Test
Worksheet of  Monthly Assessment Test-

Topic - Paragraph - Myself


My name is Abdullah Ahmed. I am 6 years old. I study in class 1 in ABC School. I live in Savar with my parents. I am from Dhaka. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. I go to school every day. I have many friends at school. My hobbies are reading, drawing and playing. My favorite dish is Pizza. I respect my elders and teachers.


My name is Ayesha Ahmed. I am 7 years old. I study in class 1 in ABC English Medium School. I live in an apartment in Savar with my parents. I am from Dhaka, Bangladesh. My father is a doctor and my mother is a primary school teacher. I have many friends at school. I am very punctual and regular in school.  I love to play with siblings and friends. My hobbies are reading, drawing and playing. I obey my elders and teachers.


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