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Seen Comprehension for class-6

What are the few lines about bulbul?, What will happen if bulbul falls sick again?, Seen passage class 6 with answers pdf, Seen passage class 6 with a
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Seen Comprehension for class-6
Seen Comprehension-
Read the passage and answer the following question:
Bulbul collects rubbish from the Sankar area in Dhaka. Every morning, he wakes up at 5 o'clock and walks along the streets of Sankar to collect rubbish. People of Sankar put their rubbish in plastic bins and leave them in front of their houses. Bulbul walks from door to door to collect them. Sometimes the bins are very dirty and they smell bad. But Bulbul does not mind. He takes out everything from the bins and puts them in his van. He believes that all jobs are important. He works hard every day to keep this area clean. Last month Bulbul was sick for two days. So, he could not come to collect the rubbish. The people of Sankar were in great trouble. They got piles of rubbish waiting in front of their houses. The whole area became dirty and unhygienic. When Bulbul got well, he came back to Sanker. He collected everything from all the bins. Bulbul does not want to fall sick again. He realizes, if he stops working even for a few days only, the whole area will turn into a big dustbin.

1) Write only the answer on the answer paper.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
   i. Bulbul collects rubbish from the Sankar area in Dhaka. Here the   
      word 'collect' is similar to______.
      (a) leave            (b) gather             (c) give                 (d) receive
  ii. People of Sankar put their rubbish in plastic bins and leave them     
      in front of their houses. Here the word 'rubbish means _____.
      (a) commodities    (b) utensils        (c) goods              (d) debris
  iii. Sometimes the bins are very dirty and they smell bad. Here the  
      word 'dirty' is similar to______.
      (a) filthy                (b) fiery          (c) forceful              (d) tidy
  iv. The whole area became dirty and unhygienic. Here the word
       unhygienic means______. 
      (a) unhealthy     (b) uncertain  (c) unimportant      (d) unwilling 
v. The people of Sankar were in great trouble. Here the word
      "trouble” similar to______.
      (a) affair       (b) affliction          (c) afford   (d) annoyance   

Completing Story the hare and the tortoise.

2. Answer the following questions.                                              
       a. Why does Bulbul wake up early in the morning?
       b. Where do the people of Sankar put their rubbish?
       c. How does he collect rubbish?
       d. What will happen if Bulbul falls sick again?
       e. Do you think all jobs are important? Why?

3. Write true or false. If any statement is false, write the correct answer.                                                                                   
        a. Bulbul gets up early in the morning.
        b. Bulbul walks from door to door to collect money.
        c. His work is to keep the Sankar area clean.
        d. The whole area always becomes dirty and unhygienic.
        e. According to Bulbul, his job is less important.

Bangladesh Kindergarten Association Scholarship Suggestion

4. Write a summary of the passage.                                                 
5. Write an application for arranging an annual picnic.                
6. Complete the story and give a title.                                               
      Once upon a time a tortoise and a hare hand an argument    
       about who was faster….
Post tags: What are the few lines about bulbul?, What will happen if bulbul falls sick again?, Seen passage class 6 with answers pdf, Seen passage class 6 with answers, Seen passage class 6 pdf, Seen passage class 6 mcq, What happened when Bulbul became sick?, Where do the people of Shankar put their rubbish?, Bulbul collects rubbish passage bangla meaning, Bulbul collects rubbish passage mcq, Bulbul collects rubbish passage answer, Bulbul collects rubbish passage pdf, What will happen if Bulbul falls sick again, Bulbul passage class 6, Bulbul passage class 6 question answer, Why does Bulbul think that all jobs are important, Bulbul passage class 6 question answer, Bulbul passage class 6 pdf, Bulbul collects rubbish passage answer, What will you say to Bulbul, if you meet him, Bulbul passage class 6 answers, What happened when bulbul became sick answer, Bulbul collects rubbish passage bangla meaning, Why does Bulbul think that all jobs are important answer, How bulbul collects rubbish from the sankar area in dhaka passage?, Why does Bulbul think all jobs are important?, What time does bulbul wake up answer, Bulbul collects rubbish passage question answer, What happened when bulbul became sick answer, Where do the people of sankar put their rubbish, Bulbul passage class 6, Why does Bulbul think that all jobs are important answer, Bulbul collects rubbish passage bangla meaning, Bulbul passage class 6 question answer, বুলবুল কেন সব কাজ গুরুত্বপূর্ণ মনে করেন?, বুলবুল অসুস্থ হলে কি হয়েছিল?, বুলবুল আবার অসুস্থ হলে কি হবে?

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